Vulnerability Remediation

When Immediate Action Is Necessary

Vulnerability Remediation

When your network or website is compromised, immediate action is necessary to effectively contain and recover from the breach. CSI along with their Strategic partners will coordinate the incident response team that are experienced in countering the rapidly changing situation and the urgency nature of the events. The team have helped organizations facing substantial losses to recover and begin their normal business operations. Our incident response service comes with all the tools that your organization needs to successfully mitigate breach damages and minimizing losses.

Network Intetface

24/7 Data Breach Response

Time is of the essence when a security breach has been detected. Legal and compliance regulations may mandate notification to customers or other specialized response activities. Team analysts are experienced in prioritizing response activities to minimize impact on your organization and recover promptly from the incident.

GAP Analysis Maintenance

Critical Infrastructure Protection

CSI and their Strategic partners are experienced in matters of critical infrastructure and computer breach incident response. Our team will quickly identify and prioritize remediation activities to stabilize the environment and contain the breach. CSI and Strategic partners team of cybersecurity professionals will prevent the data breach from causing a further compromise to your infrastructure and loss of critical data.

Errors & User Alerts

Data Breach Notification

If it becomes proven that private data has been lost in relation to a breach incident, state laws will require your organization to provide a timely data breach notification to impacted individuals. CSI and its law firm affiliates specializing in data breach matters will advise you when it is necessary to make such notifications.

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